
Hack for fantage 2016
Hack for fantage 2016

Hack for fantage 2016 how to#

How to get money lots of money: - This is how you get lots of money you make 1new. All credits to ME lol, my fantage name is melodey123 i always go on amber antelope. no joke, well, the time I played it there was this strange fishing game, some REALLY weird puffle game and that was that, :I but animal jam has loads of games! theres a claw machine, a horse racing game and wayyyy more! just another excuse for disney to take money from people so they can have MEMBERSHIP!!!! (which is REALLY expensive by the way,) to make movies like FROZEN? c'mon, disney, make more movies with some real action in them like beauty and the beast or something. Go into your inventory and put on any dance outfit 2. At least you can do something in animal jam if your a non member, also, you are not allowed to go in game until the email is verified, unlike club penguin, that says "OH, you haven't activated your EMAIL! WELLL, you can go and stare at your empty penguin, AND NOT EVEN GO TO THE ACTUAL CLUB PENGUIN WORLD, until you've activated your email, hows that? good hmm? just gonna leave you to stare at your penguin, enjoy!" and in AJ "we are sorry to say that because LAWS ARE LAWS you have to activate your email, but dont worry, we have sent you a link, just give it a quick check, and click the activate tab! easy! and then you can play!" like C'MON! you can see a difference SURELY? and my final point is, as I said, you cant do much as a non member on club penguin, unlike animal jam you can actual SAVE UP MONEY AND BUY STUFF, and also animal jam actually has PROPER GAMES! club penguin has like 3 games. lets start first hack if u regester on the old version of fantage and click the clouds u will get 100,000 E-coins cool right also when Ur looking up generators for fantage and ur coumputer gets hacked click the power butten and walla ur ok >thats just my exprience with fantage and never trust dowloads of generators they are SCAMS.

Hack for fantage 2016